Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taking the First Step

The forward tees are for middle or high handicap women and seniors, and beginners of all stripes. There's no shame in playing from a forward set of tees if that is appropriate for your game.

I have had so many starts to playing this game. Once going to the driving range some 10 years ago. Then taking a couple of private lessons 5 years ago, a golf clinic the fall of 2009 and then taking a 5-week clinic last May.

Two huge things happened before taking that clinic last May. First, my fairy golf father gifted me some clubs and then I was introduced through my job to EWGA (Executive Women's Golf Association). The 5-week clinic was the kick I needed and the friendships with the women in the clinic fueled the passion. We made a pact after the clinic to try and play every Sunday. This provided the comfort level needed to go out and just have fun. We play 9 holes because we need time to socialize at the 19th hole!

I constantly hear from women that they want to learn to play but then they don't. I hope by sharing my stories, you'll be inspired to grab some friends, some cute outfits, learn to play and join in the fun.


Unknown said...

Nice! so can men join in the group sometimes to mix it up a bit?

Unknown said...

Great job Lisa! This is what it's all about-- the journey that is golf. I look forward to reading your future posts. Make birdies!!

Lisa Z said...

Absolutely men can join in the group to mix it up!